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D.I.Y. Wildflower Seed Paper

Alyssa Nguyen

It’s officially SPRING! And we’re so excited about what a new season brings. There’s a sense of renewal, a feeling of a clean slate, and a fresh start!

We’ve been getting into the rhythm of this season (which is a first for us in our new space) and really enjoying this particular season (both literal and figurative). As a business that’s been around for technically almost 6 years with 3 as a physical space, it kind of seems like we’re found our grove and footing here in Austin. There are still a lot of unknowns, and areas of growth, but it really does feel a lot less like panic and fear! hah!

In taking a moment to truly just be grateful for everything we’ve built, the thing we are most grateful for is community. And that means YOU. Thank you guys for weathering all the seasons with us, for your loyal support and unwavering love of this little business.

Okay, that got a little more sentimental than intended ;) This blog post idea was something we had thought of several months ago, perhaps in retaliation of how cold it has been this winter. We wanted to share a sweet and fun way to bloom and grow this Spring. This D.I.Y. is a great excuse to get your girl friends together and is even a family friendly crafty activity for everyone!

It’s a great excuse to take a little trip to walk around your local nursery to pick out some flower seeds together, a reason to get outside, and you’ll have the reward of having something you made bloom and grow!




  • Blender
  • Flower seeds
  • Cookie cutters
  • Newspaper + cardstock


1. Start with choosing 2 pieces of newspaper and 2 pieces of color construction paper and tearing each sheet into small strips and pieces.

2. Put all those strips intro a blender, cover with water., and then blend together until it all becomes a mushy.

3. Now you need to grab a screen/pasta strainer and put that on top of any tall pan. Select your cookie cutter shapes and put that on top of the screen.

4. Start scooping some of your paper mush and put that into your cookie cutter and start mixing in the seeds while pressing into your cookie cutter.

5. After that, carefully take off your cookie cutter and press down firmly to squeeze out any water. This is the reason for the pan underneath, it’s to collect that water! *this is a very important step!

Pro-tip: You could also leave the paper to dry under a ceiling fan to expedite the drying process.

6. Once your seed paper is completely dry, it’ll be ready to plant in a flower pot or right into your flower bed! Blooms will appear anywhere between 30-90 days depending on the type of seeds you chose!


What are some of your favorite Spring time D.I.Y.s? We want to know :) Tell us below in the comments!