Shop hours: Tuesday-Saturday 11am-5pm + Sunday 12pm-5pm

Printable: 2020 Goal Worksheets

Alyssa Nguyen

Printable: 2020 Goal Worksheets

Wanna know something weird? This is the FIRST year since we opened our doors that we didn’t host our annual Goal Setting Workshop in the studio. I know a baby is a very valid excuse (haha) but seriously, it felt strange not having it on our calendar.

There’s just something magical about starting off the year by carving out some time on a Sunday morning in our studio, surrounded by an intimate group of women who are showing up for themselves. I usually keep the lights off and make use of the cozy natural light we have from our windows, light a candle and put out a pot of warm tea for everyone as we get started.

We’ve had students come every single year to our Goal Setting Workshop and it’s been an honor hearing about how our students achieve their goals. The disclaimer to goals is always that you HAVE to work towards your goals. Writing them down has power in itself but you’ve got to do the work :) And I’m so proud to have seen so many of our students do the work and work towards their goals over the years.

I created these worksheets as a very mini version of our 1.5-2 hour in-person workshop and have plans to elaborate on these to develop a true digital version of our Goal Setting Workshop so that when we get back to hosting them in-person, those of you who are not in Austin or unable to make it to that session can get in on the goal magic.

These worksheets are meant to guide you through reflecting back on last year, before moving on to the current year. I encourage you to carve out at least an hour to spend on these pages, take yourself on a date to a coffee shop one morning or make yourself a warm cup of tea one morning - remove distractions, bust out your new notebook (I know y’all probably have one somewhere and if not, I’ve heard of a great local shop in town ;) and get to it. You can download and print out a worksheet for yourself, as well as download a really cute crystal desktop background below!

Here are a few tips to get started:

Get comfortable (whether you are sitting at your desk or cozied up on your couch)

Take a few deep breaths (inhaling all the good and positivity around, exhaling all the things that feel heavy)

Clear your mind (No excuses, no limitations, nothing holding you back…)

Work through these sheets, if you get stuck - find a moment to pause, don’t stress. Simply move on. You can always go back to what you were stuck on

My word of the year this year is: Savor. To savor the season of life I am in right now with a new baby. To savor the time this business has given me to be able dedicate more time and attention to my family and personal life. To savor and enjoy the hard work I have put in over the past six years for the business to be able to thrive without me working “in” it 24/7. To savor the immense gratitude I have for our shop + studio team, the designers we get to feature in our retail shop, the talented instructors we get to co-host workshops with, and our entire community that supports this business.

Goals are something I really believe in, and I would be so honored to hear from you if you find these worksheets helpful. I’d love to hear what you think of these as you work through them, if you have any big goals you’d like to share with us, as well as if you have any feedback :)