Round Up: Favorite Snail Mail to Send

It’s officially fall (even if it doesn’t feel like it in Austin!), and I feel like we’re on the cusp of ramping up into every business’s “busy” season of the year. For most businesses, especially retail, the last quarter (October-December) is the busiest time of the year in regards to sales + revenue. No pressure right?
I’ve learned a lot over the past several years of learning to embrace the slower days (even months) as they offset the times where things seem to be moving at such a fast and sometimes frantic pace. Of course I’m grateful for the holiday season for so many reasons, and am so honored that The Paper + Craft Pantry gets to play a small role in our communities celebrations throughout the year.
It’s during the busy times and seasons that I feel it’s extra important to slow down, or at least find time to slow down. The holiday season can be tough for some people, for so many reasons- I think it’s a great reminder to just be extra kind, show extra patience and give extra grace whenever you can. A great way to slow down is to just sit down and write- write to someone you haven’t talked to in a while, write to your grandma who you only see once a year, write a just because note to your significant other, write a short note to your postman (or woman!)… You really don’t need an excuse to show someone you thought of them, and that they are valued.
I read this article that shared the five reasons to write thank you notes and this one on the science behind thank you notes. And was immediately inspired to write a few little notes and cards to pop in the mail.
The selection of cards we have at The Paper + Craft Pantry is something that makes me so proud because I thoroughly enjoy seeing guests in our shop take their time to peruse what we have, to really find the “one”. Here are a few of our current favorites that are my current favorite snail mail to send, just because.